You Are History

It’s women’s history month and I’ve been asking myself, what does it mean to make history? How am I making history? How can the woman who feels unseen, unheard, and as if she has little value to give the world make history? In a society where people live for accomplishments and accolades, the follower count, the content engagement, and the numbers in the bank account, it can feel all too overwhelming to that woman to even begin to think about how she can or is creating history. 

But the truth is, that woman has already created history. I have already created history. You have already created history. 

When you woke up and made the decision as a single mom with 2 kids, working 2 jobs and finding it hard to maintain, to move back in with your parents, you made history. 

When you woke up and made the decision to learn a healthier way of communicating with your husband, you made history. 

When you woke up and made the decision as a cancer survivor to share your story with other women, you made history. 

When you woke up and made the decision to accept the fact that you’re an addict to gossip, you made history. 

The list could go on and on and on.. 

I’d like you to think about how you’re making history. Whatever IT is for you, it’s for YOU and you’ve made history. Truth be told you made history when you opened your eyes this morning. So, celebrate that. Celebrate YOU. Celebrate your history and how you’re making it because it definitely has value. 

You have value. 

I pray where ever you are and whatever state you are in, this post finds you and spurs you on. Gives you a little extra dose of life and love. A bit of encouragement to keep pushing and know that you are SO loved.

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